Problems can occur at any time and at any age,

Psychosexual Therapy

Many people experience sexual difficulties at some point, and they can be difficult to talk about, even with a loving partner. Problems can occur at any time and at any age, and as every individual and relationship is unique, then how your difficulty is resolved will be unique to you. These are some of the issues that STM offers help with:

  • Loss of desire or Inhibited sexual desire
  • Arousal difficulties
  • Orgasm Difficulties
  • Genito-Pelvic Pain/ Penetration disorder (GPPPD) – including vaginismus, vulval pain, painful sex
  • Erectile problems
  • Premature Ejaculation
  • Delayed or Inhibited ejaculation
  • Communicating effectively about sex – dealing with awkwardness or embarrassment to build the sex life you want
  • Impact of illness or disability on your sexual relationship

The initial consultation session is an opportunity to explore your difficulties, discuss what the underlying cause(s) may be, and mutually agree the best way forward. Undertaking a course of sex therapy would then include an in-depth assessment, regular therapy sessions, and a structured programme of exercises to do at home. You will never be asked to undertake a sexual task in session.

Some sexual difficulties may be caused by an underlying health condition. For example, around 80% of erectile dysfunction has a physical cause such as diabetes, low testosterone levels, high blood pressure or heart disease. If it is possible that a medical condition is affecting your sexual functioning, then you will be asked to see your GP or Health Professional before proceeding into therapy.

For appointments and contact information, please tap or click [here]