Therapy for couples or individuals


Couple or individual therapy can help to navigate through issues that are adversely affecting your relationship. Relationship counselling can also be helpful if you struggle to find or maintain a relationship or to explore what you want from a relationship in the future.

Addressing your difficulties within therapy offers a safe, equal and respectful space where you can work through a wide range of issues such as;

  • Communication difficulties and conflict resolution
  • Aftermath of an affair and resolutions
  • Loss of intimacy
  • Counselling with a sexual focus
  • Impact of becoming pregnant
  • Involuntary childlessness
  • Effects of past sexual abuse on your relationship
  • Landmark Life Stages
  • Retirement
  • Impact of Redundancy
  • Financial issues
  • Loneliness
  • Confidence issues
  • Gender issues
  • Thinking of separating or leaving

I do not offer relationship therapy to couples where there is ongoing domestic abuse. For help with this issue, contact  Respect at or Womens Aid at The National Domestic Abuse Helpline number is 0808 2000 247

However, I do offer support to individuals who are trying to leave or who have left an abusive relationship.

For appointments and contact information, please tap or click [here]